Seeking additional resources related to peace and justice? Check out the following compilation.
Other Resources
8 Basic De-Escalation Tips from the DC Peace Team [June 24, 2022]
Needs Chart from the DC Peace Team [June 8, 2022]
The Feelings Wheel (by Dr. Gloria Willcox) [June 8, 2022]
Community Safety Rooted in Nonviolence by Rivera Sun, Pace e Bene [April 15, 2021]
Alternative Community Security Brief- by members of Shanti Sena Network. Examples of existing and potential initiatives toward comprehensive, systemic transformation of community protection. [July 2020]
Wielding Nonviolence in the Midst of Violence– Four case studies of unarmed civilian protection in South Sudan, Colombia, Philippines, and Palestine.
“Will You Really Protect us Without a Gun: Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping in the U.S.,” by Eli McCarthy in Journal for Peace and Justice Studies, v.22 no.2 (2013), 29-48.
The Interrupters – A powerful documentary about the work of Cure Violence in Chicago.
The Center for Nonviolent Communication – Provides resources for practicing NVC, which it defines as the natural state of compassion when no violence is present in one’s heart and allows one to authentically connect with other people.
Help Increase the Peace Project (HIPP) – An experiential, participatory program developed by the American Friends Service Committee to address interpersonal violence and prejudice for all people, with a focus on youth.
Training for Change – Provides training & increased capacity for groups standing up for peace through strategic nonviolence.
Conflict Transformation – Summary by John Paul Lederach
Waging Nonviolence – A comprehensive source news, analysis and original reporting about nonviolent activism, as well as for discussion of the theory behind it.
More coming soon!